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Reflexology is a form of complementary medicine and involves a method of treatment using massage to reflex areas found in the feet and the hands. Most commonly, the feet are used as the areas to be treated.

In the feet, there are reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body and these areas are arranged in such a way as to form a map of the body in the feet with the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. By having the whole body represented in the feet, the method offers a means of treating the whole body and of treating the body as a whole. This latter point is an important factor of a natural therapy and allows not only symptoms to be treated but also the causes of symptoms

The method has been used for several thousands of years and is known to have been practised in a similar manner by the Chinese and the Egyptians. More recently, Reflexology was described in the form in which it is now known by the late Eunice Ingham, an American lady, who based her method of treatment on work called 'Zone Therapy' which had been described some years earlier in the 1920's by an American, Dr. William Fitzgerald.

The main pioneer of Reflexology in Great Britain was the late Doreen Bayly who introduced the method in the early 1960's and whose great determination to stimulate awareness and interest in the method should not be forgotten.



Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology can be helpful to people suffering from a wide range of issues including the following:


​​Digestive disorders

Fertility problems

PMT and irregular periods

Stress related conditions  

Coughs and colds

Hormonal imbalances

Headaches and migraines


Asthma and respiratory problems


Circulatoty disorders

Low immune system

Muscular and joint pains



stimulate nerve function

increases energy 

induces a deep state of relaxation

eliminates toxins

stimulates the central nervous system

Helps prevents migraines

urinary tract conditions

speeds recovery after injury or surgery

helps relieve sleep disorders

relieves pain

it can help ease the treatment of various cancer






Treatment Prices
Traditional Reflexology

60 Minutes Reflexology £45

3 treatment package £115 ( saving £20 )

Hot Stones Reflexology

60 Minutes  £50

3 Treatment package £130 saving £20

reflexology chart
Hot Stones Reflexology

Hot stones can be incorporated into a reflexology treatment to further enhance the benefits of the treatment. It is estimated that one stroke of a hot stone is worth five strokes with the hand! It is also believed to yield five times deeper and five times longer lasting effects compared to a "normal" reflexology session. The heat helps to relax the muscles in the feet allowing the therapist to work deeper into the reflex areas.


The stones are composed of basalt, a volcanic rock, which due to its high density retains heat well. Stones are firstly used to massage the lower legs (below the knees) relieving any tension in the calf muscles and helping to enhance energy flow. Smaller stones are then used to work the reflex areas and points of the feet. The heat from the stones quickly opens the reflex pathways bringing about a much deeper level of relaxation than reflexology alone.




Warm stones have been used as a therapeutic tool for massage for centuries with evidence dating back to ancient Egypt, China, Japan, South America and Australia. 


The effects and potential benefits of hot stones include:

heat penetrates to a much deeper level than finger pressure, reaching around 7cm into tissues. This brings about physiological changes as well as improving energy flow;


Improves blood circulation & lymphatic drainage;


Promotes the release & elimination of toxins;


Boosts immunity and the lymphatic function;


Relieves tension in connective tissues;


Reduces muscular tension which will help muscles to relax and repair more efficiently;


It is warming, deeply relaxing & soothing helping to melt away any tension or anxiety; 


Helps to bring about a balance of body as well as mind

hot stones reflexology

Hot stones may be combined with reflexology in three ways:


in the opening and closing moves of the treatment by massaging the calves and performing some still work on the plantar (bottom) side of the feet. Toe stones as well as a stone under the Achilles tendon are placed on the foot which is "resting" (i.e. the foot which is wrapped in a towel and not being worked on). Warm stones can also be placed behind the shoulders and hips to help ease any tension or stress in those areas;


alternatively, stones can be incorporated into a normal reflexology treatment, especially on any areas which appear as tender or congested;


or lastly, the hot stones may be used solely in the treatment allowing the heat to work the reflex areas and points rather than the therapists fingers and thumbs

Aftercare Advice

Following a Hot stone massage you should  dress yourself slowly and have a drink of water.  you should rest for a minimum period of 30 minutes to an hour, you should drink plenty of water ideally 1.5 to 2 litres during the rest of the day.


 Following the treatment there may be some reddening of the skin, this is a perfectly normal reaction due to increased blood flow, an increase in urination is also perfectly normal as the body is releasing toxins that require to be discharged this is a perfectly natural reaction to the increased blood in the skin.



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