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Mizan Through The Trimesters.

First Trimester (conception - 12 weeks)

Mizan Abdominal Therapy in the first Trimester is specially adapted to ensure that treatments are safe and still beneficial.

We do not do any lower abdominal or sacral work during the first trimester and some other movements are adapted during this time.

The upper abdominal massage, leg massage and lymphatic massage can all be performed safely during this trimester.


Second Trimester ( 13 - 27 weeks )

Mizan is performed in the same way as the first trimester up untill 18 weeks of pregnancy. Once you are 18 weeks pregnant we can check the position of the uterus and can now  incorporate the lower abdominal massage.

You will be supported with pillows throughout treatment and back massage is performed supported with pillows and side laying.


Third Trimester (28 weeks through to the birth of your baby )

Mizan can be performed right up untill birth. Fully supported and pressure adjusted to suit each individual client.









Mizan Postnatal Healing

Having Mizan Abdominal Therapy post-birth is extremely beneficial in assisting the internal organs gently back to their optimum position and function. Depending on the birth, MAT can usually be safely done following the 6-week check, although if you see me before the birth, I can teach you a lovely routine to do yourself that you can start almost immediately following the birth.


If the birth was by caesarean section, MAT will not only guide the uterus back into position, but will also help in breaking down scar tissue and preventing the uterus adhering to other internal organs.



Contra-indications for Treatment.

There are certain conditions which if present may stop your treatment from taking place. here are some examples :


Vaginal bleeding

sharp pains in the abdomen

Cramping or contractions in the abdomen. ( braxton hicks are fine)

Amniotic fluid leaking ( waters broken )

Infectious diseases

High temperature



......" There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it . So should we"......    Ina May Gaskin

Pregnancy Treatment plan

Self care massage

All Mizan Therapists will teach you a simple self-care routine to do between appointments. Its specially adapted for pregnancy clients.  It takes about five minutes a day, and can be done once you’re settled down in bed and ready for sleep

– a lovely way to end the day, check in and do a bit of self-nurturing.

The self care regime is intended for use in conjunction with, and reinforcements of your treatments. not as a stand alone therapy.  Self care massage will encourage the abdominal organs into proper position as well as improve flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and energy. It will put you in touch with you womb and help reconnect and build a better relationship with her.




Pregnancy and Postnatal

Good for you, good for baby

Many of the problems that we take for granted and accept as a normal part of being pregnant can be prevented. You don’t need to put up with spd/pgp, tired aching legs, varicose veins or swollen ankles, nor do you have to cope with sickness, headaches, or fluid retention. Mizan Abdominal Therapy helps to relieve these and many other complaints.

Treating yourself to regular Mizan Abdominal Therapy is relaxing and enjoyable for both you and the baby. Because it promotes circulation, the abdominal muscles are relaxed and strengthened, ready to birth your baby. It’s a great way to encourage your baby into the optimum position ready for birth, leading to a shorter labour and easier birth for you both.



Benefits of Mizan during pregnancy


Can help to resolve the symptoms of SPD/PGP

Relieves common discomforts of pregnancy such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, low back ache, sciatica, pressure and burning sensation in groin area, constipation, headaches, leg discomfort including varicose veins, frequent urination, incontinence and urinary tract infections


Encourages the baby and uterus into optimal positioning to facilitate pregnancy, labour and birth (regular treatments can shorten the length of labour and birth, even for first time mums)


Tones, strengthens and balances the uterus preparing for labour and birth


Synchronizes mum and baby for birth.


Supports mum and baby relationship by stimulating an increased release of oxytocin, fosters bonding and prepares the uterus and placenta for labour and birth.


Increases circulation to mum and baby.

Reduces tension and anxiety.


Addresses emotional issues on a cellular level and sets healing in motion. In Primal Health, Michael Odent says that the baby’s immune system is developed in the womb and the hormonal reactions of the mother during pregnancy play a role in the health of the baby for the rest of his or her life.



Treatments may take place at any time during the month ( please see Mizan through the trimesters )


Treatments are recommended once per month , but if you felt that you wanted more treatments in between then Mizan combines wonderfully with my other pregnancy treatments I offer.



There will be aftercare advice sheets and some self massaging and self healing advised.


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