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Menstrual Challenges.

Have you been led to believe that menstrual pain is normal?

It is common, and many women suffer with cramps but it’s not normal.

menstruation should not hurt.

When the your uterus has fallen out of alignment, a whole catalogue of complaints can ensue. You’ll know that menstrual problems generally get worse and if you ignore those first warning signs of menstrual pain it can quickly escalate to far more serious – and more painful – symptoms.


A tilted womb can lead to congestion of the arterial and venous blood circulation, the lymphatic system, the nervous system and our qi, or energy. This congestion can play havoc to our physical well-being as well as our emotional well-being.


Depending on which system is being impacted – and it is often more than one – you may have disruption of the hormonal system leading to irregular periods, fertility issues, sickness and headaches around menstruation, menopausal symptoms; you may have PCOS, endometriosis; digestive upsets; low back ache – all of these can be signs of a tilted uterus.


Mizan Theapy is a deep yet gentle non-invasive treatment that helps the organs of the pelvis back into alignment.


Pressure is released and the surrounding fascia, supporting muscles and ligaments are strengthened. When the womb is nicely aligned in the centre of the pelvis, blood, lymph, nerves and qi flow unrestricted, toxins are flushed from the system, hormones are balanced and health and well-being return.

How do I know if my uterus is tilted?

The main indicators are symptoms. Here are some of the main ones:


Painful menstruation

Irregular menstruation

Painful ovulation

Dark blood at the beginning or end of menstruation

fatigue prior or during ovulation and/or menstruation




Fertility problems

Chronic miscarriages

Difficult pregnancy and birth

Headaches/migraines with menstruation

Low back ache with menstruation

Pre-menstrual tension and depression

Frequent urination, bladder infections, urge incontinence

Chronic constipation

Frequent vaginal infections

Menopausal symptoms

menstrual moon cycle flower of life heart
" There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it . So should we"    Ina May Gaskin

How  Mizan can help with......

Fibroids, polyps, endometriosis:

Repositions the uterus, making menstruation more efficient

Promotes hormonal balance and feedback between the uterus and ovaries

Encourages rich, oxygenated blood to the reproductive organs

Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions

Strengthens the liver to enhance metabolism of hormones


Rebalances the hormonal system and helps the feedback system between the reproductive organs

Clears congestion

Brings rich, oxygenated blood to the ovaries

Fallopian tubes:

Helps to reduce inflammation

Can break up scar tissue within the fallopian tubes

Can eliminate fluid build up in the fallopian tubes

Menstruation difficulties:

Repositions the uterus

Balances the hormonal system

Enables the uterus to cleanse herself of old blood, including clots

Increases blood circulation to the uterus

Reduces toxicity and inflamed tissues, which eases pain

Eases stress, anxiety and emotional trauma that can lead to irregular cycles

Emotional trauma:

Helps the body to let go of past trauma

Eases stress and anxiety

Menstrual  treatment Plan


It is recommended that you have one treatment a month for at least 3 months. 


Treatments would be based as follows:


Treatments may take place any time during the month except for during menstruation.


There will be aftercare advice sheets and some self massaging and self healing advised.



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